Did you click the US DEBT CLOCK button? See how fast that already huge number is climbing? It's already north of $28 trillion, which is beyond 100% of the US GDP. That means if every American did nothing else but spend every single hour toward paying down the debt, it would take well over a year to pay it back.
This debt number has doubled in only ten years. At this rate, can you imagine what the debt will be in the next ten years?
The US debt is tremendous and continually ballooning. Every year, deficits in the trillions are racking up and it is only accelerating. This is a debt-based march toward financial instability and economic ruin. But there is another number that must be heeded...
Unfunded liabilities are hovering around $140 trillion! Liabilities are the promises made by the federal government that have not come due yet such as Social Security and Medicare. An unfunded liability is a promise made that has no source of funding attached. The United States is on the hook for around $140 trillion and has zero way of paying for it.
Let me reiterate that; there is no plan for how to pay for these promises that have been made. This is precisely why Plan For America needs to be implemented. PFA establishes a funding source for the unfunded liabilities. When the promises of retirement and healthcare are met with a plan that builds the wealth to fund them, we all benefit.
No more passing the bill to the coming generations. No more cinching or finding new ways to tax benefits. These are disingenuous methods that only kick the can down the road to be dealt with later. Let's have a plan to exalt our future, not forsake it!